Available Replays

Updated Regularly

    1. EditRave 2024: Live Session Schedule

    2. Opening Ceremony - Big Editing Challenge - Replay

    3. Scripted Television Editing (Reservation Dogs)

    4. Feature Film Editing In 2025

    5. The Mandalorian Editor on Working with Sound

    6. Eddie.AI- ChatGPT for Video Editing is Already Here

    7. Documentary Filmmaking

    8. 17 Editors vs. 1 Director: The Ever After Redux - World Premiere

    9. 9 Editing Clients in 90 Days...

    10. Advanced Film Editing with Stephen Mark, ACE

    11. Closing Ceremony: Editing Notes by Josh Beal, ACE

    1. The 3 Paths to Film Editing

    2. The Editing Block Theory .20

    3. Film Industry Secrets 4.0

    4. How To Babygroot (Anthony Francisco - Marvel, on The Artist's Process)

    5. Editing Fundamentals 2.0

    6. Your First 5 Editing Clients in Under 3 Weeks

    7. How Ted Lasso Did It - Part 1: Effects

    8. How Ted Lasso Did It - Part 2: Editing

    9. Roger Nygard Cuts Veep

    10. Kelly Dixon - AMA

    11. How YouTube Changed My Life - Xavier Mortimer

    12. Editing Notes By Josh Beal, ACE - (Editing Challenge Reveal)

    13. BONUS DAILIES PACK: Honeycomb (Link Expires 1/1/2024)

    1. The Editing Block Theory

    2. Film Industry Secrets

    3. Editing Fundamentals

    4. Editing Notes with Stephen Mark, ACE

    5. BONUS DAILIES PACK: The Dishwasher (Link Expires 1/1/2023)

    6. AMA with Josh Beal, ACE

About this course

  • $117.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 45 hours of video content